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Last reduced fee registration: May 17, 2016

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The ICD Granada 2016 Organization Committee wants to offer the opportunity to all dietitians, nutritionists, health professionals / media press / public administration and professionals from other sectors involved in sustainability and environmental to impart an oral presentation (lecture) at the Congress.

The ICD Granada 2016 is a great opportunity to become a speaker at the Congress and is also a chance to share knowledge and experiences in the field of Human Nutrition, Dietetics and sustainable food.
Rules to become a speaker at the ICD Granada 2016 Congress:

  • The designated candidate should send an email to icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com, including a summary of the oral presentation before the 30th July 2015.
  • For the summary you should consider the rules established in a Word document created by the Organization Committee. You can download it, CLICK HERE.
  • The official language must be English. However, you can ask the Scientific Committee to present the lecture in another language. In case you are selected as a speaker, the organization will consider include simultaneous translation to English. Please take into consideration that if we may not be able to guarantee simultaneous translation of your oral presentation so the organization reserves its right to reject the presentation or maybe request you do it in English. For more information about the policy language CLICK HERE.
  • The proposal should be accepted by the ICD Granada 2016 Scientific Committee.
  • The designated candidate must cover his inscription, travelling and accommodation expenses to attend the Congress or look for a sponsor. The sponsor can be an enterprise and the Organization Committee allows including the sponsor institutional logo in the presentation for information purposes.
  • Once the proposal is accepted, the candidate agrees to follow the oral presentation rules established at the “standards for lectures” document; and to register for the Congress before the 14th of December 2015.
  • The candidates selected by the Scientific Committee will receive a speaker certificate and his oral presentation will be published in the Spanish Journal for Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Deadlines for filling and resolution time

The deadline to become a speaker at the ICD Granada 2016 is the 30th of July 2015.

The Organization Committee will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the proposals between the 1st and 15th of September 2015.