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Standards for lectures >>

How to create the summary of your presentation?

In order to create the special supplement of the Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics about the Congress, we kindly ask you to email the following to the technical secretary of the Congress:

  • Brief CV specifying your degree, actual workplace and role within the organisation – 150 words max.
  • Picture to publish along with your name, surname(s) and CV.
  • Summary of the presentation

Rules for the creation of the summary of the presentation:

  • Length: The maximum is of 800 words.
  • Language: the summary must be written in English.
  • Title: the title must match the titlepreviously confirmed and accepted when sending the initial presentation.
  • Authors: All authors collaborating in the investigation or project must be included with Name and Surname(s). The author named in the first place will be the one presenting in the congress.
  • Affiliation: Affiliations must be identified for each of the authors.
  • Summary: the structure of the summary is not strict but it must contain, at least, the following information:
  • Introduction: brief description of the subject or issue that will be developed in the presentation.
  • Previous Investigation: brief description of the main previous investigations that have been made about the subject presented both nationally or internationally.
  • Investigations or study contents that the authors (or individual author) who make the presentation have done regarding the covered subject: brief description of authors’ scientific knowledge on the subject, or a summary of the extensive scientific knowledge on the subject (revision).
  • Discussion and conclusions: the main conclusions of the study, a comparative with results from other previous investigations, the difficulties and limitations found along the study and some recommendations for future investigations must be specified.
  • Conflict of interests: authors must confirm any financial (or other) relation with any organisation, Institution or private company that could create a situation with a conflict of interests in relation to the work published. If authors consider there are no conflicts of interest, they must confirm it stating the following sentence: «Authors declare they have no conflict of interest».
  • Bibliographic references: the presentation summary must have at least five bibliographical references and with a maximum of ten. These references must be added to the summary following the order in which they appear within the text, and the relevant Arabic numeral in a parenthesis (according to the “International requirements for uniformity of texts presented for biomedical magazine publications” – www.icmje.org). The style used for the references will follow the “Vancouver” style.
    • Deadline: The summaries for the presentations can be sent by email to: icdgranada2016@mastercongresos.com from the moment the project is accepted and until the 30th of October 2015.
    • Publication rights: the author(s) gives all the necessary rights for the publication of the summaries whether if it’s to be printed or used digitally, along with the other materials for the congress in the Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.